Monday, April 15, 2013

On the Menu Tonight: Cheesesticks Wrapped in Bacon!

After being gone for four days (Reason my posts have all but disappeared) I realized there wasn't much in the fridge Grocery wise. But I come from a creative line of Cato's and even with little to work with, I create magic. Inspired by my favorite meal Jalepeno Poppers... I've created Cheesesticks wrapped in Bacon!! (Meals like this are why 60% of America can't run a mile) I really need internet so I cam start looking up recipes... :)

14 bacon cheese balls to begin with.. 11 after Chief found out what I was cooking...


  1. ha ha ha, chief likes cheesy bacon... never would've guessed that!

  2. Haha but he won't touch his "Cheesy Bacon" dog pupperoni buscuits... makes you wonder.
