Saturday, April 20, 2013

Nerd Fitness: What Class Are You?

So of all the things that motivates me to work out, the only thing that even came close was an article I found randomly while searching for SCA groups in Pensacola. It was titled "Roleplaying in Real Life: Choosing Your Class". Interested, I started to read through the article. It began by describing how every modern RPG starts off with a Character Creation screen. Here you can pick your race, class, hair color, weight... well everything down to the shape of your nose. The races you can usually choose from are like Human, Dwarf, Orc, Elf... Etc. But this is roleplaying in real life... Look into the mirror, that's your race... 900lbs, overweight, 50lbs underweight, tall, short, stocky or weak.

Depending on your race, it may be harder or easier for you to be the class you want to be. It would be more difficultfor an ogre (400lbs and 6 feet tall) to be a very good Assassin. After looking at my reflection, I realized I was a Hobbit... Short and slightly overweight. There's not many races you can be, I soon discovered, at my height. So I decided being a hobbit (Perhaps a slightly skinnier version) may not be all that bad.

Next I had to pick a class. After browsing through some of the suggestions I picked one that appealed most to me, a druid.

Druids are one with nature.

Oftentimes consuming a plant-only diet, they specialize in being one with themselves, finding balance in everything. These peaceful folk spend a majority of their time training in the arts of yoga, meditation, and tai chi. Strength training is only done if necessary, as  most druids aren’t interested in massive muscles or explosive power. Druids also follow a minimalist diet, high in vegetables, fruits, and nuts.  Some eat meat, but only enough to get sufficient protein. Processed foods are the enemy.

Primary attributes: agility, flexibility

Training: meditation, yoga, tai chi

Real life example: Yogis, tai chi instructors
And that's when I realized my Aunt was a druid already.

As hilarious as that all sounds, it did help me set some goals and be able to envision the type of lifestyle I wanted to help keep me there. But everything starts with today so I guess I better start training!!

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