Thursday, April 11, 2013

Little Kyra on the Prairie

Out of all the things Brandon loves, I don't even believe I rate anywhere near his Chief's hat or his shoes. Since the Chief's hat already fell prey to Chief's chewing habit, I nearly had a heart attack when I found Brandon's favorite shoes torn up on the ground yesterday.

One of two things would happen if Brandon came home and found those shoes torn up Chief would have to find a new home or I would. (Haha) I immediately went to a neighbor for help, borrowing a needle and thread and setting to my work. Now I'll be the first to admit that I've never sewn a thing in my life nor been shown by my mother. But I have crochetted before so I had a pretty good idea. Using one of Chief's dog tags as a makeshift thimble and a butterknife to cut the thread, I felt a lot like Laura Ingles Mother off of Little House on the Prairie or a gameshow where the host would pop out of the bushes with a hidden camera crew yelling "Congratulations your on R U Craftier Than A Redneck!!"

I don't think I did a too bad of a job and I triple knotted everything to make sure they were secure. My neighbor said I could keep the needle and thread in case I needed it again (Let's hope not) and thankfully when Brandon came home he wasn't mad at all. He even thought I'd done a pretty decent job given my first sewing experiment. Alls well that ends well I suppose. ;)


  1. I am really impressed!! That's is good work, sweetheart!

    1. Thanks - Later that day I also had to sew up a pair of pants and was reading how to make homemade bread lol
