Monday, April 15, 2013

My Crazy Last Four Days

If in case you were wondering why I haven't posted the last four days, its a funny story indeed. Friday afternoon I was sitting in my camper as usual watching NCIS with Brandon on his offday when I received a text. "Are you going to be able to make it to the meeting?" Crap!! What meeting? Did I forget?... of course I didn't forget... (I forgot)

It was Dad's band meeting for Cherri One and something I couldn't miss. The three of us (Brandon, Chief and I) loadedup into the car to head to Fort Walton. I brought my computer along to do some much needed internet work and dropped Chief off at Grandpappy's house. The next day Brandon had to head out for work while I stayed back for the meeting. Before he did though dad took Me, him and Aaron to Crackerbarrel and then Lazertag after that. We saw the craziest looking shark known as the australian fin something. It was about the size of my forearm.

After that I went to the meeting after drawing up some outfit ideas for Cherri One. After the meeting I wasted the rest of thr day playing good ole minecraft with Aaron while Dakota tried to fix his new computer. However when Brandon came by to pick me up, he had grave news. (Grave for me anyways)

"My Grandma is leaving back for Missouri in a few days." It was off to Marianna the very next morning to wish his Grabdmother goodbye. Visiting with the semi-inlaws wemt painlessly enough and I was even suckered into agreeing to do the whole crazy trip again for MMother's Day. (Why couldn't Brandon have been an orphan?)

After four days however, we were finally going home. Aaron said I could take his laptop since he had a new computer now so my last task was to completely wipe it to take care of all the virus' which had caused it to act up. Turns out, there were more than just virus problems wrong with the machine. But I'm just glad to be back in our little camper... I guess alls well that ends well... (Kinda)


  1. Hahahaha! That was a crazy weekend! It's taken me just about as much craziness to recover my google account so I can leave comments here ;p xox

    1. Yeah I know what you mean. I've been trying to set Mema up with a google account so she can post on here.
